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Erbjudande i höst!


Vill du förändra något? Upprepar sig svåra situationer? Vill du lösa den knuten för gott? Och gå vidare med ny kraft!

Vi bär alla på resurserna, och behöver frigöra oss från det som blockerar dem.

Jag gör en SQ-analys till dig, enligt ett utprövat system och vi har sedan en session (1,5 tim) som ger dig nycklarna till att möta utmaningar, ditt livs syfte och nya livsstrategier. Du får övningar och en liten e-workbook också. Pris 2.650:-

  NU 1950:- 

Abstract Curved Shape


- spirituell intelligens -

R E T R E A T - H E L D A G

Söndag 27 oktober kl 9.00 -10.30


med Kristina Lindgren

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Stärk din klarhet och skapande närvaro, och öka din vardagsmedvetenhet och intuitiva kraft.

 Undervisning, insiktsdialog, meditation, övningar.

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Denna dag är för dig som av erfarenhet vet att växande sker när vi släpper ego-vetandet, och alltid är redo att lära dig mer, som vågar och vill utforska din nuvarande horisont och det okända, det du ännu inte tagit tag i, eller det nya du vill utforska och utveckla.

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Exklusiv grupp med begränsat antal deltagare. Bra om du har vana att självreflektera och meditera, eftersom det inte är ett nybörjarevent.


Nästa intro online!


DATUM: 9 OKT KL 19-20.30

Introduktion, dialog, övning.



​Kristina berättar om begreppet, ger exempel på det stora värdet i en själfull och integrerad livssyn och hur vi kan integrera det i vår vardag och arbete. Gruppen får även reflektera över sin egen livssituation och delta i en övning.

OBS! Kostnadsfritt event på zoom, alla är välkomna!

Föranmälan krävs för deltagande.

Boka din plats nedan.


In The Flow:

The Purpose

of  Spirilogy.

Living a sourceful life.

The meaning I give the word SPIRILOGY, is to claim our Soul Consciousness, and study and explore the Living Presence and the Integration of true Spiritual Intelligence (SQ). The purpose of this study and invitation is to reunite, reconnect with both universal love, truth and order. And practice to integrate this awareness within the individual and group consciousness in our every day reality.

Living outside of grace and the soul connection is traumatising. That's why we see so much brokenness in the world right now. We are taught to commit our energy and put trust to outside sources. We self medicate with distractions, outward activities and remedies that can't give us the reconnection to wholeness we need to heal the suffering.

We need a soul intelligent guiding lifestyle in order to withstand the pressures of all the false paths and tempting promises that can lead us astray from health, wealth, peace of mind and a loving cooperative connection to our self and others.

This site is all about exploring and inviting you to connect, discover, and express more of the Living Presence and how Transpersonal Development and Spiritual Psychology can regenerate and integrate our consciousness of in synergy with Universal Intelligence.

I find this an "awakening within Source journey", to find the connection to the light, life source, true power and love of the divine, and be guided by the highest good in a very tangible way. We can each of us listen deeply and have direct access to creator source and work with universal law.

And I don't separate, nor equal this studies to being religious, to any yogic philosophy, kundalini awakening, tantra practice, worshipping some guru or deity, practicing a "new age" philosophy, nor with channeling of spirits, doing magic rituals etc.

Spiritual realisation and activation is awakening in oneness, an expansion of intelligence and compassion, a second birth in divine light, a maturation in soul consciousness. Many feel reluctant to choose their true inner path, as we are steeped in religious doctrine or not encouraged to turn to the soul voice and divine reality.

To be at peace within, trusting your own intuition, free from delusion and stress reactivity, is a true advantage in every endeavour, including our private lives, businesses, projects, and ambitions.

I am open to assist if you need guidance, a spiritual teacher, coach or professional therapist or psychiatrist that do understand the different episodes of an awakening, make sure they are open minded and soul conscious people, with a spiritual journey themselves.

I didn't get much guidance and had no teacher more than life when the awakening started to occur in my life. I had to trust myself, the guidance from within. Later on I met many to whom I could confide. My path have become to give others guidance to trust themselves, with support or advice on that wild journey of evolution into the soulful unknown.

I have mapped a "Wisdom Process"—a guided journey of contemplations, explorations and dialogue to invite an expanded perspective, strengthen and harmonise the mind-body and nervous system, allow the guiding of Soul and life force, heal by synthesising with the universal laws. We explore how you can infuse healing and peacefulness in your soul, life and work with inspiration and power from Source.

The intention here is to assist you in finding ways to accept the renewal process, to reframe and reorganise your expressions in this spirit, and come to a place inside that is true, unique, and fulfilling. It aims to align with all your best intentions of heart and your aspirations for life and service to the world.

This is transpersonal development, as well as an inner leadership training for navigating life with Soul-Consciousness.

Green Light

Free Clarity Call

with Kristina Lindgren.

I am inviting you to dare, expect new results, maximise your inner connection to the power of awareness, and effortlessly manifest.

Perhaps one or more of these questions below resonate with you. I can help you align your focus and take the next step towards the experiences you desire.

Welcome to connect with me for a free clarity call!

  • What can I do to handle and resolve my current difficulties better and more wisely?

  • How can I connect with and utilise my spiritual intelligence more effectively?

  • How can I live in greater harmony, expansion, and health?

  • What is my purpose and my gift to the world, and how can I discover it?

  • How can I overcome the fear of sharing what I am most passionate about, my truest path?

  • What is the universal approach to manifesting?

  • How can I live in more balance and reduce stress?

  • How can I rise and grow stronger from a life crisis or post-traumatic stress experience?

  • What can I do to release obstacles and enhance the flow of love, energy, and spiritual intelligence in my life and work?

  • How can I infuse my work life or leadership role with the spirit of empowerment and wisdom?

  • How can I navigate the difficulties and integrate the benefits of the spiritual awakening experience?

  • What is the most effective way to develop my intuition?

  • How can I transform low self-worth into dignity?

  • What can I do when others seem unable to grasp or welcome what I see and understand?

  • How can I guide others to become their best versions of themselves?

Connect with me on Zoom!


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